
Any_Monitor5224 t1_j6ht8h4 wrote

My husband is 5’7 and sexy as hell. Dating is a shit show and there’s definitely a bias Re: men/height and women/weight.

Just remember that you are not for everyone and everyone is not for you. And that’s ok bc you really only need to meet that one person who you vibe and connect with.

Don’t let the size queens get you down. Someone that shallow isn’t worth your time anyways


Any_Monitor5224 t1_j1zqkmg wrote

I frankly don’t think intelligence is the driver of improving one’s socioeconomic status any more. It is more so the ability to be strategic. Use your strengths in a way that is rewarded by society and fulfilling to you.

There are plenty of highly intelligent people who live very below average lives and vice versa.

Particularly for lower SES kids I’d be more interested in their life outcomes than their intelligence. If we can show they get smarter, but they still can’t improve their lot in life - what’s the value?
