
Aphid61 t1_ixcf7o9 wrote

Late to the dance here, but wanted to say you are right on target. Very, very few authors imho can do novels and short stories equally well, and RB is one of the -- if not THE very -- best at it.

You're a writer, so you know that novels and short stories require different approaches -- one is a slow build and the other has no room to waste & every word must point toward the end. Bradbury was an absolute master at both.


Aphid61 t1_iu9eggw wrote

When something like this gets to me, I've learned to take myself out of the book emotionally and focus on the literature. Analyzing sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation, evaluating how the writer could have improved this or that paragraph -- takes the power out of the words. Worth the effort with difficult material.


Aphid61 t1_iu75tt4 wrote

I've done the blind date with a book at the library a few times & loved it. The whole brown paper wrapping thing just intrigued me. 10/10 will do it again.