
Apis_caerulea t1_jcuxvp6 wrote

From the Office of the Maine Attorney General at maine.gov: >Chapter 04: Consumer Goods And Maine Express And Implied Warranty Laws

>The Maine Implied Warranty is the little known law that protects Maine consumers from being sold seriously defective items. It can be an Unfair Trade Practice to refuse to honor the Maine Implied Warranty Law within four years of sale. The basic test for possible implied warranty violations is as follows:

>* The item is seriously defective,

  • The consumer did not damage the item,
  • The item is still within its useful life and is not simply worn out.

>Chapter 4: Consumer Goods and Maine Express and Implied Warranty Laws (PDF)


Apis_caerulea t1_itrkzuu wrote

For Scarborough specifically, earlier this month the town held a public candidates forum for the town council, school board, and sanitary district seats. The recording of that is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLUeEZsNU7E.

edit to add that I found that by going to the Scarborough town website and finding the Elections section, here: https://www.scarboroughmaine.org/departments/town-clerk/elections