
ApprehensiveTrade819 t1_j1mzy4y wrote

I was in a similar situation, struggling to choose one. Even though I've always had PlayStations and recently been a pc player since 2016, I ended up getting an Xbox. Main reason was that it was easier to get hold of and that it's possible to get gamepass for around £1/2 a month using third party sites, whereas there's no cheaper way of obtaining any of the ps plus tiers.

I was originally leaning towards a ps5 as I prefer the controller layout as that's what I'm used to, and the fact that it takes normal gen 4 nvme drives is a huge bonus and like 50% cheaper for a gen 4 drive, but in the long run, the Xbox ends up being cheaper for me. Xbox was £400 compared to 396 for the ps5 (digital 389 + £6 postage) but then 2 years of gamepass ultimate is gonna cost roughly £50 compared to 160 for ps+ extra. Making the Xbox cost 450 over two years while the ps5 would cost £556 roughly. Money isn't really an issue, but I do prefer to save money where I can.

Exclusives are definitely better on ps, but I don't feel like I'm really missing out on anything.

Ultimately go with your gut. You can't go wrong with either system, they're both great and have their own advantages and disadvantages but you'll be happy with either one.