
Arcangel613 t1_jb0v3al wrote

Yeah and I also heard that at that meeting two weeks ago they'd be telling us we are back in full time.

Then I was told actually we're going to be told we're doing three days a week in the office...

Then I was told actually it's just managers going to get called back three days first.....

Oh actually, managers are gonna be coming in full time...

My point is, unless you get it in writing from the governers office, stop believing all these stupid back to work rumors flying around.

Let the office pessamists work themselves up, dont feed into it by spreading all those rumors. Like I said, talk to your union rep about your telework opinions, tell them you want to telework. Or If you aren't in the union consider joining so that you can voice your concerns yourself.


Arcangel613 t1_jb0ntrv wrote

So the new DEP sec had a 'fun' little meeting two weeks ago and we were told "teleworking is a privilege not a right"

Which....Given that several of us signed on with contracts that state we can fulltime/part time not sure how that's a privilege.

It's since been stated to a few of us by several senior DEP employees that:

  1. The state is having retention problems due to low pay

  2. A lot of senior level employees moved away from the large city centers when teleworking was implemented and are close enough to full retirement they'd rather retire than come back

  3. A lot of new employees took paycuts to come to the state with the understanding that the cost saved from going to an office by teleworking would make up for it. These employees might leave for the private industry if they lose the one plus they had coming here.

The over all take away was that it seems no one aside from the governor has any idea about what's going to happen with it. But management is aware if teleworking goes away, it's not going quietly.

I know our union reps are trying to get teleworking put into the new contract. If you have any concerns I'd reach out to your union rep and let them know how you feel about it. The more voices the better.


Arcangel613 t1_j6a91rk wrote

I have a friend who works in an industry that I permit for now that I work for the state.

She's been absolutely terrified of us having lunch together when she comes by cause "what if someone accuses you of taking a bribe?!?!"

I'll have to send this to her with a "Can we please go get pho now?"