
ArcherBoy27 t1_ja4uvhh wrote

Great source, everywhere I could find didn't mention anything like that. You are giving me no reason to believe you.

No need to be aggressive, I asked for a source since I couldn't find one to match what you are saying.

Besides this has nothing to do with client side scanning, the reason signal said what they said, at all.

Forget it, I'm not spending time with someone that can't be civil.


ArcherBoy27 t1_ja2h05o wrote

Yes I know. I was just stating "just" encryption in transit isn't E2EE (I.e. https).

E2ee is encrypted from end to end. From when it is written and saved on the source to when it is received and read on the destination. Anything except you that can read messages before you do, without your permission, and potentially send it off somewhere breaks E2EE, which is what they are proposing.

> It does not provide other types of encryption (i.e. encryption at rest) for your messages.

Going to need a source on that, no encryption at rest. Nothing I can find suggests that. I have found some claim it can be broken with physical device access but if the device itself is encrypted then it doesn't matter.