
Arcsindorei t1_j1vv4x0 wrote

There are just so many wrongs with your point of view mate.

First, what you are implying is that if sovereign nations don't want terrorists attack them, they must negotiate with them. This perspective suggests that the US should have made official contact with el qaida, or ISIS so that they stopped attacking their country. This is complete bollocks, you never negotiate with organizations that are recognized as terrorist.

Second, just like there are Kurds in southeastern Turkey, there are Turks there as well. Turkish people, language and culture have been present in that region for hundreds of years, and Kurdish nationalism and separatism completely ignore this fact. They do not have the right to found their country in Turkish territory.

Third, the matter in Syria is not exactly the same with Kurdish separarism in Turkey, or Irish separatism in 1920s UK. YPG in Syria is an illegal organization as it violates a sovereign nation's territory, sells its natural resources to overseas nations like the US, then with that money buy heavy weaponry to arm their millitants. It just happens that their millitants use mortars and similar explosives on civilian structures in Turkey, in support of PKK. It is true that they want to found their own state, however every action they have taken so far has caused obvious security threats to the countries surrounding them. Turkey, Syria, Iraq have every right to defend themselves and act against such threats.

Kurdish nationalist just have to find a peaceful solution to their problem. Otherwise they just become terrorists.


Arcsindorei t1_j1v8nm0 wrote

Those protesters very clearly demonstrated PKK flags, and expressed their support for their leader. The thing is, even though the EU recognizes PKK as a terrorist organization they do very few to stop their activities. Especially France and Germany, possibly because Kurds can vote in these countries and political parties want their votes. How can they get their votes? Just sit and watch them waving their flags, do nothing to stop PKK supporters financing PKK. European countries may not be directly supporting PKK, but they are definitely doing nothing against them.


Arcsindorei t1_j1v6rp7 wrote

The UK didn't learn any lesson with Ireland. Keeping Ireland just for the sake of imperial pride did not make sense for the British; Ireland was not that valuable. Otherwise why would they oppose Scottish independence? Could it be related to the natural resources they possess?

More than half of Kurds in Turkey are happy with their Turkish citizenship. So it is actually a minority that supports separatism and terrorism in Turkey.