
Aristocat2022 t1_iwpjcmd wrote

I was dying.

My dad had spent the last 20 minutes talking to me about puberty. About the changes girls go through. About how my body will grow and develop. And he printed out DIAGRAMS. I wanted to sink into the couch and disappear, but all I could do was sit and listen while my face got hotter and hotter with embarrassment.

“…and that wraps up my part! Now it’s your mother’s turn.”


My dad looked sheepish. “Yeah. We flipped a coin and I won, so I got the easy part of the talk. Honey! Cass is ready for you!”

“No she’s not!” I yelled.

Mom came into the living room and Dad fled, clearly not wanting to be here for the next part. What could be WORSE than what he already told me?

“Sweetheart,” she began.

I groaned. The last time she called me ‘sweetheart’ was when she sat me down and confessed to eating all my Halloween candy. Whatever she was about to tell me was going to be bad.

“You know how you have those garlic allergies? And a sunlight sensitivity? And your preference for very rare steak? And all those orthodontic consults about your canines? And how the last time we went to church, everyone had to leave your First Communion early because we started smelling smoke, then later we found out it was coming from you?”

“You told me I just had to start putting on deodorant!”

Mom shifted on her feet uncomfortably. “There isn’t an easy way to say this, but you got bit by a bat when you were a baby. We were able to treat the rabies, but unfortunately the experience left you with another condition.”

My head started spinning. Surely she wasn’t about to say…

“Cass, honey, you’re a vampire.”

I rubbed my face, my head pounding. Either my parents were crazy or my mom was telling the truth.

Either way, I was gonna need so much therapy.