
ArkyBeagle t1_jdxq6fx wrote

> The true answer is that they aren't two different things but two expressions of one thing: electromagnetism.

Whether we call it electricity or magnetism is almost an artifact of how we measure it. Although the needle on an old-school analog voltmeter is a magnetic device...

I always liked the cover to Richard Lyon's "Understanding Digital Signal Processing". It's not specifically about E&M but the picture just lights the idea up for me:


ArkyBeagle t1_jdxcpl4 wrote

I suspect tempo is a big problem with a lot of sitcoms. I can't say that categorically. But really, a great sitcom isn't engineered - it's lightning in a bottle. There are too many factors. But timing is really significant in comedy in general.

A lot of the newer sitcoms, they're "working too hard" or something. But that has to be quite individual or possibly generational.


ArkyBeagle t1_jdxatsv wrote

It was less a bolt from the blue than The Rural Purge. Was My Three Sons ever really funny? I do not recall. And yeah - the longer And Griffith ran the less funny it was.

Green Acres was pretty much brilliant the whole time. It morphed into a sort of surrealism and all the performers had incredible timing.


ArkyBeagle t1_ja5gtrk wrote

There's a third prong - the Junkers ( Prussian big landowners with a longstanding , serious military culture ) based leadership class died out. Paul von Hindenburg was one of the last of them.

That led to a major power vacuum, and SFAIK, historians will use a power vacuum in explanations every time.

Ditto Russia. The enfeeblement, isolation and stubborn insistence on doubling down on absolute monarchy of Nicolas II contributed to that disaster.


ArkyBeagle t1_j9h748q wrote

Not a bad synopsis, although "Have Gun Will Travel", "Branded" , "The Rifleman" and dozens of other westerns come to mind. It would be difficult to explain the phenomenon if it were not for IMDB.

If we didn't see 'em in real time, they were on syndication - still are ( see Grit TV in all its pharma ad and reverse mortgage ad glory ).

I'm not sure it's really prestige though. Too soapy really. I'll still watch it because it's mildly ridiculous and does a decent job of rewarding willing suspension of disbelief.


ArkyBeagle t1_j6eat0p wrote

I've been on teams that had to get Part B before. Makes me grumpy about it :)

I still feel like the vendor has some measure of liability here. Part B isn't the same level as an electrical hazard but I'd at least try to get a healthy discount on upgraded converters. Find out the depreciation schedule for them , blah blah blah.

Any rate, an interesting issue and thanks for it.


ArkyBeagle t1_j6e8al7 wrote

> They are the ones that told me solar inverters are except from section 15 part b of their regs.

Gaaah! Well, poot then.

> The only solution is replace all 24 inverters.

You are a very thorough human being :)

So being a nerd, I gotta ask - those were NOT granted Part B but because green, they're exempted? I honestly thought everything ever made had to have Part B.

I'd lean on the solar panel vendors to put a grounded Faraday cage on the inverters. At their expense. I'm also wondering why an inverter is emitting in that band... That's pretty high up in frequency for an inverter. Is it a square wave inverter? This is very clearly a design defect.

My experience is that requests like that on legal stationery/letterhead get more attention.... lawyers love doing that sort of thing for you. Especially since there's clearly a tort; FCC regs do not constitute a fully legally binding exemption. Er, they used to not anyway. You're one guy and I imagine the solar panel people have more than one customer...


ArkyBeagle t1_j6e3hi1 wrote

> which has too much interference on it.

Edit: I'm being very literal about "interference" here but hopefully, the other pathologies are spelled out.

That doesn't sound right. That should be licensed bandwidth. I can easily see simply R squared loss or multipath being a problem ( multipath rejection being the one killer feature of 3.0 ) but if anybody's emitting on that band, I'd bet the FCC would like to know.

They'll take it less seriously than HF/UHF interference on aviation comms of course.

Then again, 7 is at the edge of a band plan.


ArkyBeagle t1_j6djsic wrote

The Flying Circus was on PBS lateish ( 10:30?) on Saturdays ( Fridays?) on the Dallas ( KERA ) affiliated PBS stations. I used to see it then.

This would have been like 1974-1975.

The first time I saw "Holy Grail" it was a 16MM print shown at a frat house in 1979.


ArkyBeagle t1_j4mp9jx wrote

The US government was of two minds about indigenous people. They'd establish treaties and then break them as the treaties became inconvenient.

Nobody could stand in the way of land speculators. This is what's behind Andrew Jackson's ( apocryphal ) "Mr Marshall has made his decision; let him enforce it" concerning Worchester v. Georgia.

The Mexican government could declare El Norte theirs but they really couldn't hold it. By the time railroads could be built it was too late for Mexico to pursue claims. Even then; fly over the border now. You see settlements that seem logistically untenable.

The incredible thing about the Texicans is that they simply refused to admit defeat against the Commanche. S. C. Gwynne's "Empire of the Summer Moon" outlines the persistent pattern of this phenomenon of memory loss in detail. There's some credibility to the theory of Walker Colt also having a hand in subjugating the Comanche. The Rangers really were hired killers first and foremost. This continued through the 20th century, with Frank Hamer leading the team that assassinated Bonnie and Clyde.