
Artanthos t1_jefezc5 wrote

Where is everyone going to live when the world has a population of 20 billion? Housing prices are already rising faster than inflation.

Where are you going to get the food? We are already draining the aquifers, rivers, and lakes.

What are you going to do about population. Supporting 20 billion people is going to consume far more energy, require increased manufacturing, and necessitate more mining. The oceans are already being depleted, this would only accelerate.

More crowded living conditions presents a breeding ground for both crime and disease.

How are young people supposed to advance in careers where their seniors never move on?


Artanthos t1_je67as6 wrote

That’s not how facial recognition works, and it’s not how the technology is used.

All this does is compare images from a camera connected to a crime with a database of publicly accessible photos. When it finds matches, it provides the match locations, e.g. Facebook.

Police investigators then use those leads to identify potential suspects.

You still have the rest of the investigation, and human eyes on the images and the potential suspects.


Artanthos t1_je32amj wrote

Cops cannot visually identify everyone. No human can.

Before this, all the cops had to identify a picture from a camera was files full of mug shots. This would present several problems addressed by facial recognition.


  1. Human identification from mug shots is notoriously error prone
  2. It only work if there are mug shots or other evidence that identifies the individual.
  3. Fingerprints and DNA are only going to be available if the person was previously arrested. The same problem that mug shots present.

Artanthos t1_je2364e wrote

A lot of the implementation of GPT-4 and Stable Diffusion (and similar AI) is going to be on hold pending the current legal challenges, which are likely to take years and reach the Supreme Court.

I expect the legal challenges to slow implementation for 2-5 years, at a minimum. Certain outcomes could reduce implementation drastically. No company will implement AI if anything created with any level of AI assistance is found to be uncopyrightable.


Artanthos t1_je0sc95 wrote

Some places will adopt the technology faster than others, and those jobs will be at risk.

But it won’t be everywhere all at once.

Just like software automation has been displacing jobs for a few decades now.

The biggest difference is, far fewer new jobs will be created. One of the jobs most subject to future automation is the people automating software.


Artanthos t1_jdxg3un wrote

Think about how many jobs could be automated out of existence today by someone proficient with Excel or a well written database.

Think about how long this capability has existed.

Think about the rate at which it has actually taken place.

It’s less about “can AI do this” and more about how long will it take for businesses to adopt and integrate the technology.


Artanthos t1_jdwxzgx wrote

I wasn’t disagreeing so much as reinforcing with more accurate information.

People like to shit on Walmart.

While a lot of the points are technically correct, the whole point is to bring lower prices to the consumer.

Walmart simply cannot correct many of their issues without raising prices, because they already have a very low profit margin. It would quickly flip from making money from volume to losing billions.


Artanthos t1_jduxu1n wrote

I’m not going to fight them, I’m going to transcend them.

Even when attacked, he took the mora high ground instead of killing his attackers.

Everything he did, he did for love. Playing the stock market was a perfectly legitimate means to an end.

He needed money to finance his research, with the end goals of saving the planet from climate change (his wife’s passion) and returning to a biological body.