
ArthurAardvark t1_iucvvhy wrote

That's also where I'm at. Though, I'm not necessarily convinced in something like this. It's one thing to create video/art. But people will not want AI art (not to say art enhanced by AI, as a tool). That is/will be a gimmick.

Story Creation has proven to be a whole 'nother animal. AI can create coherent sentences...but the content is more often than not nonsensical. A paragraph – let alone an entire story? Utter nonsense. Context is everything.

And that idea of everything for video/art too. Why will people be driven to watch AI driven content if it is not true-to-life (graphically speaking)? All I have created/seen has been painting-like creations. I could see 90% of cartoon-type media becoming "drawn" and/or utilized as a tool (enhanced) by AI for efficiency sake.

People will still be watching Tik Toks created by real people. Stories about real-life events will still be written by humans, simply, at most, edited/enhanced by AI. Or I do suppose it may be closed-minded to not expect that in 5-10 years AI would be digesting the video content or the spoken experiences of witnesses/observers and turning that into an objective (of sorts) article on whatever story developed.

Also, there will be a huge sense of distrust/lack of faith in the competency of AI for decade(s). I think the neckbeard armchair expert estimations of anything <10 years is just coping, a means of feeling superior to le IgNoRaNT nOrMieS. Until there is trust in the competency of AI, it will not be adopted en-masse.

Lastly I tend to agree with your last sentiment. I know the only way I've coped with it is by "forgetting" what's to come. It doesn't help that for whatever reason there's no content out there that provides any sort of "this is how things will be when everything is automated and this is why the human condition will continue to exist and 10 reasons why we won't be depressed, purposeless wrecks!" articles/media out there.