
Arthur_Pendergast t1_j96r3xn wrote

The music was so bad it was comical. I normally don't mind grateful dead but it was very experimental and at one point there was a twenty minute crazy solo/interlude thing with screeching and banging and crazy noises that went on Foreverrrrrrrrrrr and was super super loud. It was kinda wild. And we were getting hungry after waiting an hour for the food (pizza and sammy). I'm normally fine with all sorts of music and if it's loud, whatever - but this was extreme. Food was good though.


Arthur_Pendergast t1_j96lnyo wrote

He's pretty aggressive with his opinions and responses on IG so it definitely divides people and gets people riled up. Sometimed hes pretty douchy on there (its kinda funny tbh). Idk.. I've had an awesome time there and a very unpleasant time there. I can't speak about how he treats employees but he's had the same crew for a while now so they seem happy enough.

But at the end of the day, hands down my favorite cheesesteak.


Arthur_Pendergast t1_j91wad9 wrote

Idas Pies. Guy is a bit controversial but it's incredible. Makes his own bread, in itself is incredible, all top quality ingredients. $22 bucks but it's huge.. basically two large sandwiches.. guy posts his menu daily on IG but the cheesesteaks only make a rare appearance. Get em when you can.