
AsFarAsItGoes t1_jaeuict wrote

Your comment made me curious about how dogs usually travel in airplanes, and some googling later: me thinks not being in a box in economy already is the equivalent to first class…

I found some hilarious guidelines, saying that pets can travel in a box that fits under the seat in front of yours. That’s like a 40cm/1 foot space. I’d not even want the tiniest of dogs to travel like that.

Other ways are more like checked baggage, also in a box of course, and unless you specifically train a dog to do that, it seems like a horrible thing to do to your regular pet.

I am not surprised the dogs from OP get special treatment. They are trained to do one thing specifically, and anything that could mess them up psychologically (like being trapped in a box away from their handlers for hours in an airplane) has to be avoided, so they can do what they’ve been trained for.


AsFarAsItGoes t1_j73zesr wrote

I hope this will stay in our collective memory for a long time, but I have zero confidence that it will last long enough.

Japan has old stone markers telling people to not build below this point, because that’s where the “last big tsunami” hit.

Japan is incredibly save, compared to how many different natural disasters they are prone to. But when nature starts acting up, we are still not much better than a butterfly in a storm.


AsFarAsItGoes t1_iz6x4f6 wrote

Adolf Hitler paradoxically lead Europe into an age of unprecedented unity (the European Union), decline of open imperialism (GB, France, Japan, and many more gave up their imperialistic ambitions), and decades of insane technological and economical advances.

Hitler is not - and of course should not - be known for “doing” all that, because it was not what he had in mind.

In the same vein, Putin will not become “the savior”, even if his actions ultimately help the global society. He did not plan on helping, and he is not going to be credited for it.