
AsbestosIn0bstetrics t1_j653tvo wrote

I don't expect much. For the most part, people here are pretty apathetic about the violent crime that occurs in their own streets, so I don't see them burning down the city over something that happened a thousand miles away, no matter how horrific it may have been.


AsbestosIn0bstetrics t1_j5ysffr wrote

Businesses that depend on a superior customer service experience don't often survive in DC because we lack a sufficient workforce that is capable or willing to work for what employers are willing to pay them. The ones that do thrive are probably paying their workers the most.


AsbestosIn0bstetrics t1_j1vstdj wrote

I can tell you who to avoid in the Navy Yard area, just from personal experience.

Insignia on M: they didn't have the time to show me the units that were for rent, then claimed that they were occupied and that I could just walk around the building doing a self-guided tour of the common areas. There were so many red flags that seemed to indicate that this building doesn't have its shit together.

The Yards Collection: I wanted to look at units in two different buildings, which I eventually got to do, but the people in the leasing office were slow as fuck, and seemed completely uninterested in showing units to a potential new tenant.

Dock 79: These people seemed fantastic and it was the nicest place I looked at in the neighborhood that wasn't super expensive and out of my price range. I ended up in an entirely different part of town but I considered that place for a bit. Though I later heard from a coworker who hated living there, dealing with loud parties and constant weed/cigarette smoking that management was incapable of dealing with. So maybe I dodged a bullet there. I guess your experience might vary depending on your neighbors, but that's so hard to gauge during a five minute walkthrough.