
Aseldar t1_jd1ywdi wrote

Buddy, you're going to come out better on the other side of this. My past relationship of 6 years devolved to a point of her cheating and gaslighting and not communicating despite me trying, which was only fuel for my insecurity and turned to plain anxiety. Checking her phone always makes things worse for you, no matter what you find.

Work on yourself. You now know things you don't want in a relationship, how are you going to make sure they don't happen again in the future? What are things that do make you happy and how are you going to contribute to that?

Currently engaged to the most wonderful, kind and understanding woman I've ever met because I decided firmly what I wanted, and every date I went on I clearly set those expectations and boundaries. I explained what I wanted and who I was. Some didn't like that, no worries, then they weren't the right people for me. My current fiancée loves how "emotionally mature" I was to be that open from the start. Loves how I know myself and what I want and what I can contribute.