
Atlantic0ne t1_ja1izch wrote

Posting because I’m excited to read this. Only had time to finish half.

I agree, I’m always pretty far ahead of most on technology or at least understanding it. I think it’s starting to get real now, this idea that the world will dramatically change actually seems to be approaching. Nobody has any idea how to deal with it.


Atlantic0ne t1_ja13bn8 wrote

Lol. Hate crimes have an actual definition to them, it’s not just a guess. Google it if you want. This is the best days we have.

You can’t just say “eh I don’t believe data, so you’re probably wrong”.

I also recommend not going around saying so confidently “that’s not true!” When you clearly haven’t researched a topic u/zero0n3. Research first, always.

Anyway, have a good day. You can choose not to believe it if you want.


Atlantic0ne t1_ja0xz6k wrote


They’re about 13% of the US population statistically and account for ~21% of hate crime occurrences by offender. Conversely, 56.1% were white, and well, I’m sure you know the percentage of white people in the US.


Atlantic0ne t1_j8h2ah0 wrote

A quality answer and even some better added mystery. Nice! Well done. So, why do physicists fight about that? Is it actually unsettled science?

Are there any other mysterious things in physics you can share?

My favorite thing I’ve been learning about lately (as a layman) is the double slit experiment, quantum mechanics, how particles behave differently when observed. I’ve been reading people say that one possible answer is the many worlds theory, and I haven’t heard other respected theories yet. Any thoughts?


Atlantic0ne OP t1_itrbqzk wrote

Can you answer a couple more questions? I reached out to the customer service and they weren’t very helpful. So you’re saying if you have zero case on, it will still be strong enough where you can use it to hold your phone while texting and things like that? Is it strong enough where you can slide it in and out of your pocket without the magnet falling off?

And I’m pretty sure you can’t wirelessly charge with it but if you know differently please tell me.