
Autumnlove92 t1_j2mxmis wrote

Reply to comment by A_Muffin_Substantial in [image] by _Cautious_Memory

Sometimes it just takes 1 emergency. My car was totaled in November. I had exactly nothing extra after paying all my bills and whatnot (AND I work 2 jobs by default to get by) I had to put my down payment on a credit card because I absolutely can't go without a car (single, live by myself, no family, America where there's no public transportation) 1 emergency was all it took for me. I'm lucky in that I got the value of my old car back from my insurance (all whopping 7k of it) but then my cat got very sick and there's more shit that went on a credit card. 1 emergency for most Americans. It sucks


Autumnlove92 t1_j2mxdj8 wrote

Reply to comment by FinnishArmy in [image] by _Cautious_Memory

37k in debt here (20k of it was for a used car I just had to buy after someone totaled mine. I was doing decently before that shit show) Your 14k is nothing, keep at it!


Autumnlove92 t1_j1n3b1o wrote

Believe it or not, I advocate this. My depression got far worse this year when I stopped my workouts. I used to go heavy at the gym (and lost 115lbs) but the loose skin in my stomach made it nearly impossible to continue, and at that same time I picked up a second job that took my energy from me. I just got an abdominalplasty to remove that loose skin and I'm very eager to get back to the gym. It'll still be a couple months before I can, but I know for a fact exercise -- while not a total cure -- DOES help. Maybe it's just 5%, but it's something.

Also sunshine. God, I'm already itching for winter to be over....and it's just started


Autumnlove92 t1_j1m9jxj wrote

Okay but what's a great solution to get OUT of your own head? Sometimes I get so deep in my head I get trapped in a negative cycle and lose the weight of reality in the process. Can't seem to find a good way to snap outta it


Autumnlove92 t1_j16290l wrote

That's something I had to realize growing up. Always dreamt of that city life that you'd see on Friends and HIMYM. Turns out all those people in real life have family who pay their expenses or family to move back in with when shit goes wrong. I don't. So I had to buckle down and get real


Autumnlove92 t1_j15hdac wrote

I work in healthcare and literally ALL my coworkers and myself, at every job I've worked at -- from hospital to outpatient -- we've all said we don't want to live past 75. Me, I can't forsee myself last 67-70. It's misery. Government assistance is a joke, Medicare is laughable, and in this day and age there's no retiring for us millennials (unless you're born into wealth/got lucky) so we'll still be working at that age. I've had coworkers who are 72/73/74. They look one step away from death. I had one coworker, 64, who stepped down from full time to PRN because she physically couldn't handle it anymore but she began stressing SO much about how she'll buy groceries going forward. Yep, no thanks. If my life ends up like that, I'll be checking out. I'm almost 31 and I'm now on the hunt for a spouse even though I love being single. This isn't a world where I can thrive and survive by myself, unfortunately. I wasn't granted that card.


Autumnlove92 t1_j159bps wrote

I have to work 2 jobs, 60hrs a week, just to get by paycheck to paycheck. 40hrs a week is like part time work to me now. I hate it. I hate slaving away just to work. Wake up, work, sleep, repeat. People ask what I do for fun -- I survive. I don't have TIME to do things for myself otherwise rent doesn't get paid. This isn't life. It's no wonder we're all depressed


Autumnlove92 t1_ixnh7i9 wrote

As someone who doesn't have family, I never understood my friends bitching about their Thanksgiving but then saying they HAVE to go because they gotta "make nice" to the family. In my opinion, if you're relationship with said family is you pretending to be nice, it's not a very good relationship


Autumnlove92 t1_iwq3v1o wrote

I got addicted to TikTok last year and deleted it after nearly 12 months of nonstop use, because I finally realized I'd unintentionally quit my hobbies. I stopped doing them cause scrolling for laughs was far easier of a dopamine hit. And it sucked at first but now I'm back at things and won't ever touch that damn app again. My friends roll their eyes when I insist it's causing some of their depression, but it's very true. Don't whine that you're not doing anything with your life while also sitting on the couch scrolling all night long on your phone.


Autumnlove92 t1_ivg1dlf wrote

For those taking this too literally, it interpretates to: go back to the places with bad memories and try to make good ones.

I get that. I've done it a few times. But some places are also too hard to revisit, and are best left in the past


Autumnlove92 t1_iu255dk wrote

Wish I knew more about my grans glass doll collection. I don't have them, I believe my aunt got them when she passed. But I remember those things vivdly at times and how much my Gran loved to bring them out to show us. I know they were from Scotland where she lived. But that's it. Wish they shared the stories with me


Autumnlove92 t1_itz6lpc wrote

I'm independent. No spouse, no family, got friends but they got their own lives with their own spouses and family. I support myself. I lived with my now ex for 7 years, 2 of which were after our relationship ended. I had the choice to financially struggle but have better mental health being away from his abuse, or stay in his abuse with a bigger paycheck. I took the former because I would've killed myself if I stayed living with him.

I've had to settle with my life. It's not the quality life I want, at all. I make due, barely, with no future really in sight. I've unfortunately been handed a bad card in life, basically trapped in poverty, and I've got two choices: bitch or make the best of it. For now, I'm making the best of it. But I've absolutely had to settle.

Not all of us can drop our responsibilites to chase dreams and hopes and an "ideal life." It is what it is.


Autumnlove92 t1_is0uem3 wrote

Right? Like, my health is quickly deteriorating and I'm only 30 with no partner or family to help me. I may even be having heart problems and that's terrifying. If I become disabled, I'll be homeless. I've gotta work 2 jobs just to get by. The stress is only making my health worse and I'm very afraid of what's to come. My inner child would be a great comfort to me right now but she hasn't existed since the day I turned 18 and was out on my own. Roles are definitely reversed for me with this image.