
Avaisraging439 OP t1_irt5q58 wrote

I agree but that's not what's happening here, the partisan spin is that the democratic policy points are being twisted into clear partisan tactics. "

For example, Democrats aren't focused on the border issue beyond providing a better and humanitarian response (though failing horribly) and this fact is being spun as democrats inviting crime and drugs to take over the country.

A non-partisan way of saying this should be, Republicans are in favor of tight border security and restrictions on chain migration, Democrats are in favor of a better response to immigrants through more relaxed laws.

The statements don't claim a guaranteed end result and that's what makes it non-partisan.


Avaisraging439 OP t1_irt5a0d wrote

When it's purposely deceitful in a way to trick people into reasonable credibility. Politics (certain forms) and news coverage is already known to be classified as entertainment but this falls under a source claiming to be credible and a fair representation of each side which is purposely looking to deceive and confuse voters ahead of an election. Not everyone is as able and willing to find credible information on their candidate like internet veterans.


Avaisraging439 t1_ire7imp wrote

We'll see if this actually happens though come tax season. A church in Central PA hosted a movie about Doug Mastriano since it got dropped by another movie theater for too much negative press. It was massive too like thousands of people from all over the state.

That would certainly be an example but they'll just argue religious freedom since the overlap of politics and religion is deep and hard to fight IMO