
Avbjj t1_jachmvn wrote

I usually hate saying stuff like this, because it's cringey, but i think it's appropriate right now. As an American, I actually do have the right to speak about whatever I want.

I didn't say the US hasn't started wars of aggression. Of course they have. I'm refuting you saying "All modern wars were started by capitalists."


A statement that's categorically false


Avbjj t1_jaccjxj wrote

You're forgetting the Soviet Union against Hungary, the Czech's, and Afghanistan.

But that's besides the point. All wars are started by capitalists in the same way that are wars are started by human beings.

People have been waging war for the entirety of human history. It has nothing to do with capitalism.


Avbjj t1_jacbpk3 wrote

Good post.


People forget that members of the Japanese ministry of war attempted to orchestrate a coup to prevent Hirohito from announcing a Japanese surrender after the 2 atom bombs.

He was a figurehead but he certainly didn't have absolute power. He was constrained in a unique way by what was expected of him as the high emperor.