
AvgAIbot t1_jef7yxq wrote

Sounds like a good idea tbh. I’ve considered getting into trades but I’ve never been a hard worker. My decent remote tech job pays pretty well and I have alot of free time. But I know it won’t last after the next 5-10 years.


AvgAIbot t1_jebm8cw wrote

The NPCs usually shrug it off and downplay it. Some of the worst NPC actually compare it to crypto.

Only met a few main characters and they all were very impressed and starting thinking about how it’ll be integrated into everyday life.


AvgAIbot t1_jebivu0 wrote

Hey there, great question! It's still a topic of debate, but let's break down the potential relationship between quantum computers and AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) for you.

Quantum computers utilize qubits, which can exist in multiple states simultaneously, allowing them to perform many calculations at once. This is known as quantum superposition. They also take advantage of a concept called entanglement, which helps to achieve exponentially faster computation speeds.

Now, for AGI, we're talking about machines that possess the ability to understand, learn, and apply knowledge across a wide range of tasks and domains, similar to human intelligence. Current AI systems, like the one you're interacting with right now, are narrow AI and are specialized in specific tasks.

There's a hypothesis that quantum computing could play a significant role in the development of AGI due to its potential to tackle complex problems and optimize algorithms in ways that classical computers can't. However, it's important to note that quantum computers are still in their infancy and face several technical challenges, such as error correction and scaling up the number of qubits.

Moreover, AGI is not just about computational power but also about creating algorithms and frameworks that can truly replicate human-like intelligence. Quantum computing may provide an acceleration in the development of AGI, but it won't single-handedly solve the problem.

In summary, while quantum computers could potentially contribute to the development of AGI, it's important to understand that they are just one piece of the puzzle. We still need to make significant advances in AI algorithms and our understanding of intelligence itself to fully realize AGI. So, while it's an exciting prospect, it's not a guaranteed outcome.


AvgAIbot t1_ja87vvl wrote

70%+ of people won’t be aristocrats though. They’ll be poor people that rely on UBI because their job got replaced by AI.

They will 100% masturbate, do drugs, use social media, play video games, etc. Most people already do this in their free time.

And then eventually when full dive is cheap enough, they’ll just be in full dive all day.

Of course ideally people will spend a lot of time outdoors, exercising and playing team sports… but I don’t think that’ll be the case for the lower class.

All the above in regards to within the next 20 years.

Maybe once everyone can build a space craft with nanobots or whatever the fuck it may be different but probably not.

The rich will continue to build wealth while the lowly rats like you and me get scraps if we’re lucky.

Many people that talk about a utopia completely disregard human nature, especially of billionaires, aka greedy and self centered.


AvgAIbot t1_ja5qfef wrote

All good points. I don’t buy into the utopia stuff either, atleast not anytime soon.

Say we do get the UBI, it’s not going to be much. Probably enough just to get by, if even. That’s going to be a lot of unemployed people that are bored AF and will crave some type of purpose. I can see huge anti-AI movements and most likely violence to come.


AvgAIbot t1_j9x5ogn wrote

Our prediction systems in our minds are just better I guess. I’ve told people about all the progress AI has made and many think it’s cool, but the thinking stops there. They don’t even try to think about the future will look like.

Idk when I watch movies I almost always predict the plot or what will happen next (except for really unpredictable plots) and my SO is like how did you know that.

Some people are just better at seeing what comes next. I don’t think we’re that special but I mean probably like 30% of people think this way, if I had to guess.

One example is someone seeing text to image generators. Most people say wow that’s cool and the thinking stops there. But for ‘us’ we’re like oh man once they get text to video, text to video games… that shit is going to be wild. And the other people it didn’t even cross their minds.


AvgAIbot t1_j9cvadf wrote

In the year 2023, a scientific breakthrough was made. Researchers identified a specific gene that is responsible for heightened predictive abilities in individuals when it comes to technological advancements.

Those who possess this gene have a unique gift - the ability to see the potential of future technological advances in a way that others cannot. They are able to spot trends and possibilities that others miss, and accurately predict the direction that the field of technology will take.

One such person is a young woman named Ava. Ava has always been fascinated by technology, but she never realized just how much of an advantage she had until she learned about the gene. As soon as she discovers her own genetic makeup, she begins to immerse herself in the latest developments in the world of technology.

Ava's gift allows her to see the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) long before it becomes a mainstream topic of discussion. While others are still wondering if robots will ever be able to replace humans, Ava is already envisioning a world where AI is a part of everyday life. She sees the benefits of AI in healthcare, finance, transportation, and more, and she is able to accurately predict the impact that it will have on society.

As a result of her unique gift, Ava quickly becomes a sought-after consultant in the tech industry. Her predictions and insights are highly valued, and she is able to use her gift to help companies stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on emerging trends.

Although the gene is still rare, there is a growing recognition of the power of predictive abilities in the field of technology. Ava's success inspires many others to seek out ways to enhance their own abilities, and the search for the gene becomes a hot topic of research.

As the world continues to advance technologically, those who possess the gene become some of the most valuable and sought-after individuals in the industry. And for Ava, the ability to see the future of technology is not just a gift, but a passion that will shape her entire career.