
Avieshek OP t1_j8emir6 wrote

  1. Laptop/Tablet (mobile) form factor.
  2. Ubuntu/Windows (software) accessibility.
  3. Low-price (affordability) that allows penetration into mass deployments first like schools or enterprise.

It checks two of the boxes out of three, not holding breath for Windows support but System76's Pop!_OS is a fork of Ubuntu and from someone that sells hardware - if we can all come together and focus on one distro like Asahi Linux on macOS systems then this would be a go like the growth of Chromebooks which is lesser than the adoption of Ubuntu based devices outside of US (like India) because when a central body buy for others (Institutions, Governments…) they want the most viable (or cheapest) price-to-performance ratio without the marketing shenanigans.

Tl;dr – OS would determine the state of its success, support can quickly build up wherever the numbers are if it gradually builds up its userbase. Enough numbers, then Microsoft wouldn't be too far away too in the future of Cloud systems.


Avieshek OP t1_j42g0rr wrote

They do and hence why they've aimed and achieved beyond 5GHz on all cores but if they stop chasing after numbers for marketing purposes you'll likely see the efficiency improvements in power consumption like AMD or Apple (who barely hits 3.5GHz with their M1s) though also dial in the fact that they're not fabless and have their own fabrication standards in case of Intel so you can't compare with TSMC the customers of which others are.


Avieshek OP t1_j3whbut wrote

Hmm… this is an interesting perspective. I recently changed my battery for the iPhone X but didn't go to Apple for the new $80-90 they're asking (for a 5-6yr old phone that isn't even 3000mAh meanwhile Androids have 6000mAh) and the battery health (iOS Shortcut: PowerUtil) is showing 102% for 1/3rd the price.