
Avoidlol t1_j8vw1k2 wrote

How is this description any different than humans? We associate ideas, words, concepts through our experience and through learning, we also try to predict with less and less accurate results compared to AI, and this is just the start.

If anything I'd argue that humans are a worse ChatGPT, because at least with an AI, we know what it has been trained on, whereas with humans, we are all individuals with our individual experiences, so we are so much more inconsistent. So to me, it seems we also cannot discern between truth or falsity, we just use our own judgements based on what information is out there, from which reputable sources. But our information is not only inconsistent, but also biased..

Everything you know, is something someone else has told you in one way or another, or by experiencing it, problem with using anecdotal experiences to fabricate understanding, is worse than learning the entire English language, then be trained on factual data, and therefore creating a fuller understanding.

There's a reason why AI already is surpassing the average person in a wide range of subjects, assuming this trend continues, at what point will people stop finding excuses to hate on it.

Perhaps in the future, most will realize that humans are the biased, uninformed, ignorant and factually incorrect compared to an AI

I hope I made sense 😀