
Ayearinbooks t1_isnv6xj wrote

It's the other side of Europe from byzantium bur David Crowthers history of England is good. Same narrative format with lots or polticial/military but not ignoring social, economic etc. Some interviews with historians and guest spots but not loads.

You can start with episode 35 or so. Means you start with Henry II (crowned 1154) who is the first angevin king and pretty interesting/significant.


Ayearinbooks t1_isfjgzz wrote

Similar to history of Rome style

  • Revolutions also by Mike Duncan
  • history of byzantine, directly designed as a successor
  • history of England by David Crowther - similarly systematic, more detailed/zoomed in

Other great ones

  • The Rest is History: eclectic, funny, good dynamic between the two hosts but still serious history
  • In Our Time: groups of academic guests discussing a massive and v eclectic set of topics with a curious nonexpert chairing and keeping it moving and asking questions listeners might.