
Azilehteb t1_j6p1kn8 wrote

Earl is a title, like Duke or Prince.

Just insert a first name for mister Grey. You can find out how he behaves and see if his First Name manifests itself, or if you want to stick with the “grey” theme I can list a few names you might like:

Ash Silver Storm Smokey Steel Shade Alloy Pewter

If you want a less literal grey name, you can always use a traditionally human one. Many languages have names they mean “grey”.


Azilehteb t1_j6owspa wrote

> Does anybody have any advice on how to better myself and how to be kinder to him?

On this, you can take note of things he enjoys and spend some effort learning about them and/or doing them together…


> Or even why I would be lashing out without knowing why?

You MUST figure this out as your number one priority. Nobody is going to be happy in a relationship with someone who abuses them, no matter what nice things they do when they’re not being abusive.


Azilehteb t1_iy55ytc wrote

Ben also said he would take YOUR meat. I don’t think giving him anything is safe. You are also having trouble keeping your head when you talk to him… are you sure you can stay inside if you’re having a lengthy QandA session?

At least find a buddy to pull you back if you’re going to do this.