
BDoooon t1_jap2bb8 wrote

The assists and goals are heavily weighted by the line he is on is my point. +/- is a great indicator of him as a player. It proves this because despite the goals and assists he earns the amount of opposing goals he is on the ice for almost completely undo all the goals he has a hand in. This is why +/- is still a valuable stat and proves that in the post season he is not the game changing player he is all season.


BDoooon t1_jao1l3e wrote

Yes he gets a lot of points but when you put him on one of the best lines in hockey of course he's going to to. Since 2019 he's scored 13 goals in 28 games. In his playoff career he is only a +4, Marchand in the same amount of time is a +14. He's a great regular season player but when it comes to post season he's not even close to the same guy.
