
BHBachman t1_iwjnjhb wrote

Reply to comment by Alphachadbeard in Cthulhu by Departedart

It kills me that Cthulu is actually described as flabby in the original story because I don't think I've seen any depiction of him since the original story where he isn't fuckin shredded, lol.

It's not a complaint, beefy Cthulu just plain looks cooler, but it does tickle me.


BHBachman t1_iuqq9pu wrote

Reply to comment by Bucket1982 in [Image] The Maturity Climb by raytanwl

Yes and my point is that "The world doesn't change for you" is a shitty, defeatist message that offloads all societal responsibility onto some vague "other" (or in some cases, just treats a terrible world as a noble and just thing that somehow proves how good it is). I know it's called the "is-ought distinction" in philosophy but I prefer the more general term "normative-descriptive shuffle". If your response to "This thing is bad" is to point out that that's just how things are, then all you're doing is carrying water for the people who make it bad in the first place. Think bigger.


BHBachman t1_iuqe0fi wrote

Reply to comment by Bucket1982 in [Image] The Maturity Climb by raytanwl

Which is fine if you're trying to focus on sticking to a diet or keeping your house clean, but is absolute dogshit when it comes to dealing with all of my bills doubling or facing bankruptcy because I went to the hospital.

Seeing society as an unchanging morally-neutral thing that isn't worth confronting or trying to change for the better at all isn't mature. It's selfish, short sighted, and only allows for a further worsening of said world.