BIGBIRD1176 t1_j75hw0n wrote

Space sucks, even if we found another planet with the right amount of oxygen and the right temperature, we couldn't eat whats there. We'd have to bring our own food to grow and probably top soil to grow it in

Earth is our best bet, we all individually at some point in our lives accept that nothing lasts forever. Ring worlds or Orbital habitats could work, but then greed cuts in and starts cheaping out on life support systems. Earth is the best bet


BIGBIRD1176 t1_iupotix wrote

We need to pull apart the lie of the self-funded retirees, and the financially self reliant because these people think they are doing the right thing by not being a burden on the rest of us by depending on pensions but...

If companies you invest in are underpaying workers to increase the share given to shareholders, you are not self funded you are taking hard earned money from the working class

If the labour is exported overseas you are not self funded your share is paid by taking money that should be going to people doing what is often slave labour

If a company is destroying the planet and paying 30% dividends in a world where 10% is considered great, well you didn't earn 30% the earth is paying the other 20% with things other than money

Our strong dollar values depend on the economic dominance of other nations, that can't happen without excessive investment. Yet this is the source of all our problems, they are society based problems and therefore can only be solved as a society, this idea that I earn this because is bullshit, we are a team, every single one of us. Just because someone is unemployed today, it doesn't mean they are worthless, they may work 40 years over their lifetime. You can't focus on what someone is doing today without considering their lifetime contribution

And while we're replacing the existing system we should stop dominating our friends and allies, and we should want every nation to become our friends and allies