BOOTS31 t1_jd870ib wrote

Reply to comment by cedit_crazy in Be careful maple sugarers! by StankyBo

My great grandfather was like this...

I remember as a kid seeing a dead field mouse in one of the sap collection barrels. He just scooped it out and tossed it like the whole batch didn't get tainted.

We still enjoyed our Maple Syrup every year regardless!


BOOTS31 t1_j9vuddl wrote

I think it was even more recent than 200 years!

There was a tea shop in waterbury that had pictures of early 1900-1910 showing the clear-cut lands. It blew my damn mind! In every picture, you could see the farmers' lands separated by the stone walls.


BOOTS31 t1_j1hrx94 wrote

No power for over 24 hours here in Fairfax, all my pipes froze over night, it's been a long night.

Born and raised in Vermont, this is the norm, get used to it.


BOOTS31 t1_j1f4m9b wrote

Down in Faiefax since 9am, no known restoration time according to utilities company.

Going to be a really cold night...watching temps drop by a degree every couple minutes at 420pm.