
BRS_Ignition t1_iu4o6x3 wrote

The guy behind RAMA works used to be both a business partner and romantic partner with Katie, the woman who is now behind HIBI.

He's always essentially been more into the flash and marketing of the products RAMA makes than actually creating things on any kind of reasonable timeline, so between all the useless side projects, endless delays, and bragging about being rich on Instagram, things broke down and both Wilba (who designed the PCBs) and Katie (Who did a lot of the board design, I believe?) split off to make HIBI.

There's likely a lot more behind the scenes that went on, but RAMA is essentially a shell of whatever it used to be, and generally isn't super respected in the MK community because of it.

BTW, HIBI has a new board in the works called the Hibiki 65.