
Background_Toe4883 t1_j4sqtcn wrote

These nationalists are the reason the president of the USA have bodyguards. Before the attempt on Truman, USA presidents walked around unprotected. This movement is now extinct, and I believe the lady, being one of the last survivors, was freed after many years in prison.

And to think that those who stormed the Capitol on January 6 are getting sentences that last just a few days and months or just walk away fee, including the orange grifter instigator!!!

These nationalists stormed the Capitol and for a lot of them their sentences were so steep they died in jail. Justice is not for all, specifically if the color of your skin is the color of cinnamon. But they were from the wrong side of the pond.

It figures.

Glad about this article with a bit of history to enlighten our view of the world.