
BadCompany193 t1_iy7lxan wrote

You have to bare in mind that the xbox S is digital only also, so if he had the discs for the games on his xbox one he won't be able to play them. If he's keeping his xbox one then I'd say get the switch so then he'll still have his xbox one until able to upgrade to the X. Me personally don't see the point in the S if you have a one, the X is so much better.


BadCompany193 t1_ixb3ce7 wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in switch or ps4? by Affectionate_Sign212

No lies detected. I've got a ps4, hoping to get the series X just after Christmas, see if there are any bundles. Don't feel the ps5 is that worth it at the moment when me and my ps4 have unfinished business 😅


BadCompany193 t1_ivqldus wrote

That's fair enough then, if there is a solid reason to wanting to trade then go for it. I'd personally keep the series X and maybe just get a cheaper ps4 for now, and wait for a BIG game for the ps5, unless Ragnarok will be a lot better on the 5 than the 4


BadCompany193 t1_ivqj1b8 wrote

I just really don't think the PS5 is worth it at this current time. I've still got my ps4 and not even considering switching to the 5 until GTA 6 is released. If you've already got the X I'd stick with that, I guess it all comes down to which exclusive games you'd prefer. Or just have both consoles