
BagongPahina t1_j9ej1c1 wrote

I can think of a few local books from politicians that are widely known to be written to whitewash their political sins of the past. It's a biography/memoir of a long standing politician where I'm from.

I live in a country where media control is literally an open secret experiment within us citizens. There's literally an activist and writer (a Nobel Peace Prize winner I might add) who explicitly said that our country is a petri dish of blueprints as to how the rest of the world would do the same thing in their respective countries.

While I believe books and its forms of art are crucial to the world, artists and writers are not infallible geniuses that are incapable of spreading misinformation in their own way.

Like Bjork said, "You should never let a poet lie to you". If a writer lies explicit and seek to do harm, I think that can be burned.