
BarracudaAcademic539 t1_jeb3lic wrote

“Improve themselves”? Schools are only as good as the parents that send their kids to them. The best teachers and administrators can only make so much of a difference. I’ve seen this with both my kids going to two different city schools. This is the falacy of public education. The main factor are the parents. Schools can do little to move the needle beyond what the home environment provides.


BarracudaAcademic539 t1_jeat784 wrote

Not mad but I do think that charters inhibit the betterment of neighborhood schools.I send my kid to a neighbor school and many highly engaged neighbors see theirs to charters. I’d love to have the neighborhood school have those engaged parents and their PTA fund raising ability helping out DCPS and all those kids who’s parents don’t “GAF”.


BarracudaAcademic539 t1_iy4x7bo wrote

Columbia heights had some very stately houses as many of the farmsteads were being developed between 1900-1920. The Columbia Heights Citizens’ Association put out a pamphlet in 1904 documenting many of these homes and even alluded that the White House might move uptown to the area.

Malcom X park was a pretty poor neighborhood before the land was seized to create the park. There is a fantastic website out there that goes almost house by house on the (soon to be) displaced residents.