Based_nobody t1_jdcpabc wrote
Reply to comment by Jimmy_kong253 in FCC Fines 15 Year-Old Pirate Radio Station in NYC $2 Million by blankblank
Lol, you must have never heard of AM radio or Fox's stations.
Drive through the middle of the country and you'll hear some terrible crap from the cross-draggers.
Based_nobody t1_jdcot9g wrote
Reply to comment by mew5175_TheSecond in FCC Fines 15 Year-Old Pirate Radio Station in NYC $2 Million by blankblank
Yes But they're not issuing any more licenses for am/fm.
So how do you get a new radio station if you can't? Fucking "I Heart Whatever the fuck" owns all the goddamn stations in the US almost. The rock stations are all BS drivel.
Don't you want new music and new opinions? These guys provided a service for a group of people. That's more than anyone can say of the FCC.
Based_nobody t1_j6sc6tw wrote
Reply to How to be a sceptic | We have an ethical responsibility to adopt a sceptical attitude to everything from philosophy and science to economics and history in the pursuit of a good life for ourselves and others. by IAI_Admin
You know how quickly people can take this too far, though, right? Sorry, just being sceptical.
Based_nobody t1_j6kov3p wrote
Reply to comment by dethb0y in The letters of T. S. Eliot to Emily Hale that were kept sealed from 1956 to 2020 have been released for free online by RunDNA
Any of them good? (good in this sense meaning applicable to literary theory, writing, etc?)
Based_nobody t1_j6koniw wrote
Reply to comment by DevinB333 in The letters of T. S. Eliot to Emily Hale that were kept sealed from 1956 to 2020 have been released for free online by RunDNA
I'm sure our era's posting records and messages will be fished back out for cash by our descendents. Like genaeology+
Based_nobody t1_j6kohyy wrote
Reply to comment by SassiesSoiledPanties in The letters of T. S. Eliot to Emily Hale that were kept sealed from 1956 to 2020 have been released for free online by RunDNA
He's no mozart?
Based_nobody t1_j5b4oeq wrote
Reply to comment by goodTypeOfCancer in /r/philosophy Open Discussion Thread | January 16, 2023 by BernardJOrtcutt
Why did you include "child, cartoonish, cartoon, childish, kid" as prompts for something hedonistic or stoic? Or, I mean, in general?
Based_nobody t1_itbzw14 wrote
Reply to comment by kf97mopa in Voter fraud charges dropped against Hervis Rogers, Houston man who waited hours to vote in 2020 by nosotros_road_sodium
The US tends to have stuck to British style legal code so it seems like why we don't let them vote either. Some states do, of course, depending.
Based_nobody t1_jec8o70 wrote
Reply to comment by NA_Panda in Frigidaire Dishwasher Dead? by Telefrag_Ent
I won't buy food stuck on plates. You can't make me.