
BassElectronic6046 t1_ja3vawf wrote

My man you signed a contract and so did they.

All of your complaints are you just allowing them to flagrantly breach the contract and then you bitch about how it was a bad experience.

You don’t need to do much beyond contact the attorney general. This isn’t some law and order drama show, this is a cut and dry contractual issue that they are obligated to perform.

If you don’t want people to tell you to get a lawyer when you yourself acknowledge that someone has breached a contract then I don’t even know what you were hoping to get out of this post.


BassElectronic6046 t1_ja3opnf wrote

> They used particle board instead of the plywood specified in the contract. Do I want to fight them over it? No I do not. They also installed a section of the downspout incorrectly so it leaked.

You know you can sue people for failing to meet their contractual obligations, right? You did not get what you paid for, they are obligated by contract, which you paid, to perform that work.

Talk to a lawyer and stop letting people walk all over you.