
Bea_Azulbooze t1_j7bn9hb wrote

I doubt they'll be able to get licensing for rec. After this phase of med dispensaries transitioning to comprehensive licenses (that is med and rec -and there were only two med locations that did not apply for the comprehensive), there will be a license application phase for all others.

From what I've read, there will only be 6 approved dispensaries for each congressional district (there are 8 districts) so only 42 additional dispensaries will be approved in the State.

Is it possible that Vapor World and other Vape shops getting a rec license? Yeah, it's possible but I don't see it happening.


Bea_Azulbooze t1_j7bl2l3 wrote

It's not like they've been showing "Turn off your phone" before every single movie in every single theater since the 90s (I remember when it was turn off your pager/beeper...fuck I'm old haha).

It's basic common sense/courtesy really to everyone but entitled twats.


....where I can I read all of these posts? I'm feeling a little confrontational today haha.


Bea_Azulbooze t1_j7bkfls wrote

It's not so much as being victims it's the notion that they are entitled to whatever they want and can't simply be told "no".

Then when they are not just simply allowed to do whatever they want, then they happen to be the victim of xyz. When in reality, you're having consequences for your actions because your actions sucked. Hard.

I swear the older I get the less patience I have for people.