
Beachboo07 OP t1_j6nj7dw wrote

Ah that makes more sense, thank you! I’m excited for this stupid loan to be gone .. it’s going to be such a relief. I can’t imagine how much I’ll be able to improve my finances when I can allocate that $500 a month to something else.

Thank you for your help on all of this I appreciate it a lot!


Beachboo07 OP t1_j6krqwh wrote

Thanks so much! I do want to contribute again this year, I was just thinking that after moving out I want to have all the money possible in case of any emergency. I will contribute again at some point soon.

I not familiar with what you’re saying in that second paragraph …. How would that free up my income more?

I agree the zero-based budget is going to help me a lot. I’m going to start that this month so I can get a feel of my exact ranges. I think knowing this will ease my anxiety a lot lol.

Once I reach my 20k emergency fund, I’m going to start some sinking funds to focus on! I lucky and my dad helps with those things, but I still think it’s important to have that just in case


Beachboo07 OP t1_j6j522i wrote

Love to hear about others in a similar situation. It’s tough out here lol. I’m probably going to delete those apps just so the temptation isn’t there! I know the fun/misc is low .. but I think it’s worth the sacrifice for a little and I’ll be living with a friend so I think I’ll be ok … I hope lol


Beachboo07 OP t1_j6j4say wrote

I wish lol .. unfortunately my office is in New Jersey and I have to go in every so often :/ hoping to get out one day.

I think I could work on my food budget .. but I like to eat healthy and enjoy cooking so I don’t want to restrict myself too much. I’ll have to test it out ..

The roommate has been a good friend for the past 5 years and she works full time. I’m not worried about her bailing but will definitely have a conversation beforehand about money and stuff!

I have 40k in private loans at 3.9%. Unfortunate but I’m accepted it and have a plan to have it paid off within 6 years maximum. My minimum payment is $275, but I do $500 to knock off a little more


Beachboo07 OP t1_j6iz6s5 wrote

$1250 each. Lol a wish .. New Jersey. It is quite expensive here and limited on options unfortunately.

This list is all for me, but as I stated groceries and utilities may vary and those are the maximum for EACH. I doubt utilities will be $200 a month total, but am preparing for the highest possibility.


Beachboo07 OP t1_j6iyibr wrote

$600 into a HYSA at 3.75%. I want to reach around $20k and then I want to start investing. I do have some money in my 401k, Roth and a brokerage but I stopped investing in order to put more towards my loans a few months ago. I’m saving as an emergency fund, even though it’s a bit higher than normal it eases my anxiety to have it on hand.

Yes, $3400 is the net pay after all taxes and benefits. I am currently on my parents dental and health so I’m fortunate to not pay that until I am 26.