
Beautiful_Cow6458 t1_ja2mn8n wrote

I tried it a few times to read and send messages as well as changing the song I’m listening to on Spotify mostly just to see how it works as I recently returned to being an iPhone user. Haven’t used it since and have it turned off.


Beautiful_Cow6458 t1_iy0ace2 wrote

Former Note 20 Ultra user, moved due to the sucky battery and I mean abysmally bad. Also apps constantly crashing in the middle of important activities. Once I moved, I was in awe of how long the battery lasts and I’m enjoying the fact that the edge of the phone isn’t curvy. I forgot non curvy phones still existed 😂

Overall I honestly think your friend should compare the specs side by side and maybe watch YT videos and have a look at features you will lose. I don’t mind too much about some features I’ve lost because battery was honestly the only true reason I left Samsung. I was with them for 10 odd years so it wasn’t a decision I made lightly. Do I regret it? Absolutely not. I’m loving my 14PM ☺️


Beautiful_Cow6458 t1_ixaag3b wrote

I feel you on a spiritual level regarding clipboard history. I had written something extremely long and when I went to paste it, it only pasted the first paragraph. I was absolutely devastated as it took me ages to gather my thoughts and then start typing it. It’s absolutely ridiculous.

Second thing also is that I can’t stand Face ID. There’s times I’ve tried like 4-5 times and it doesn’t work. I read somewhere they had Fingerprint of some sort until they swapped it for Face ID.

Another thing that bothers me, is that we can’t close all apps. I tend to use like 10-15 apps a day and found the close all apps feature ever so helpful.

And is there even a way to scroll down a really long page like grabbing the side? I’ve recently returned to Apple after being with Samsung for over a decade so I’m still learning how to use an iPhone again.


Beautiful_Cow6458 t1_iu54eqy wrote

Spam indicator, amend keyboard and make it slightly bigger, numbers above the letters on keyboard, delivering messages quietly, personalised fonts that you only pay once and ones that don’t steal what you type, customisable icons, moving icons wherever we want, copying multiple texts and it remains in the clipboard area thingy, back button, recording phone call, home button, finger print scanner, but most importantly….you know when you got dial a number for someone and you just the buttons using the letters and the person’s name pops up….I dunno if I’m explaining it right and also I’m sorry, at this point I dunno why I’m even using an iPhone besides the bad ass battery 😂😭🤣