
BecomeABenefit t1_jdex5nm wrote

Sure, it can be abused, but it's also easy to overturn someone that's doing something that people don't like. My HOA just swapped out the entire board and president because the residents didn't like the management company we hired because they were too stringent about writing infractions. Took a whole 20 people out of over 800 to vote the new board in.

In my experience, anybody who complains about their HOA is either too lazy to get involved and spend an hour a month to go to the meetings, or they're the kind of neighbor that nobody wants.


BecomeABenefit t1_jdeqts1 wrote

Don't take this personally, but have you ever actually shopped for a house? I've done it 10+ times now and I've always had options that weren't HOA's. Some people actually prefer to be in one. I've had both good and bad experiences with them. Of the three houses I've actually purchased, only two were in HOA's. In my current one, nobody every really shows up for the HOA meetings and pretty much anybody who wants to be president or on the board can do so with almost no opposition.


BecomeABenefit t1_jdebqe9 wrote

Yes, you see, when the real-estate agent tries to show you a house with an HOA contract, you say "no thanks". If you're renting, you just don't consider houses in an HOA. HOA's are less than 27% of houses.

If you're living with your parents, move out.


BecomeABenefit t1_jddy7yx wrote

That genie can't go back into the bottle. License plates are public information. You're required by law to display one and people have the freedom to record license plate numbers.


BecomeABenefit t1_jddnat3 wrote

I don't really have a problem with this. I'm a libertarian, but license plates are public information. HOA's, while annoying, are voluntary organizations. Privacy laws vary in many states, but even the most stringent allow storing license plates with consent. You can even store license plates without consent as long as you're not linking them with personal information.

I imagine HOA's want to catalog all the authorized vehicles and who owns them so they can identify who owns a car that's violating the rules.

Source: My company started to implement a system for businesses that used license plates to help identify customers and we had to nix the project. HOA members who specifically opt-in as part of their HOA contract wouldn't have the same concern.
