
Beer_Summit t1_j9l0bpp wrote

Right. Nutter ran against the machine-endorsed candidate and won because of strong support from white liberals and black professionals. He was the candidate of competency, not centrism.

Staying with this theme, Gym was an exceptionally competent and effective agitator, activist, and advocate for our public schools before she ran for office. As a councilwoman, however, she's been an embarrassment. I identify as a progressive but above all else, I want honest and competent governance. I have little faith that she's up to the task.


Beer_Summit t1_j5m70hu wrote

^ this.

For instance, to have the same standard of living in Manhattan as you'd have in Philly for $51k, you'd need to earn $117k.

To have the same standard of living in Brooklyn as you'd have in Philly for $51k, you'd need to earn $85k.

If your perception of Philly is shaped by tiktoks and videos of Kensington, then it's time for you to get off of your computer or phone and actually visit Philly for at least a weekend and drive around the city. You'll discover that we have plenty of nice, safe, and affordable neighborhoods.