
Beginning_Key2167 t1_je0h0y8 wrote

Exactly low taxes and sunshine don’t outweigh the total cesspool Florida is. I lasted 6 months in the 90’s I wouldn’t last 2 days the way Florida is presently. I have been lucky enough to travel to a lot of states in our country. Florida hands-down was the worst experience out of any of them.


Beginning_Key2167 t1_ja37tmw wrote

German shepherds are nothing like pit bulls though. You rarely if every hear of one randomly mauling a kid. We have had a couple German shepherds over the years and they are smart sweet and friendly. They only thing our dogs would have done to a kid is steal there food. They use the because they are smart and can be trained. They follow commands. Pit bulls won’t stop on command as the many videos out there show. Once they are attacking they are almost impossible to stop.


Beginning_Key2167 t1_iv0x28x wrote

Maine does all those things. You can wake up to 40 below zero or wake up to 70 and humid. With mosquitoes that seem hell bent on killing you. Great seafood. Moose tend to pop up on the road when you really don’t want them there. Course a moose on the road is rarely good. People are generally nice unless they are commuting to and from work on 295. Then grandma is riding your bumper at 85 mad you won’t get over.