
BeltalowdaOPA22 t1_jegnair wrote

Does your husband have a history of dismissing your opinions? Getting angry because you won't watch movies he wants you to is not normal.

My boyfriend is a huge horror fan, and I am not. He has never once gotten angry or upset with me for not watching a horror film with him, because that is crazy behavior.

If this is the only thing that he's being a jerk about, I highly suggest counseling. If this is an ongoing issue where he gets mad if you don't do what he wants you to do, you may want to consider divorce.


BeltalowdaOPA22 t1_ja480u6 wrote

How long have you been dating? Can you afford to live with him and save money? If you live with him, will you still be able to get to your job with no car?

If you live with him and you break up, will you be able to leave? Will you have somewhere to go if things get bad?

Do not trap yourself in a situation you can't get out of. Its better to work to be independent than to live with someone just to get away from your parents.


BeltalowdaOPA22 t1_j6nqo5d wrote

You want completely different things that will ultimately lead to a breakup. Yes, you are young, but why would you stay in a relationship that you know has a time limit?

And what is going to happen if you accidentally get pregnant? You know that your boyfriend wants biological children and would push you to keep an unwanted pregnancy. Is that something you want to risk?

Not to mention the post that was on here the other day from the woman who had also told her husband that she never wanted to be pregnant, and he sabotaged her birth control to get her pregnant and he did.

Be very, very careful that you are using a birth control method that cannot be tampered with.