
BenjaminRCaineIII t1_jaala1b wrote

Yeah, it's crazy how nimble old man Jackie still is. I recently watched Kung-fu Yoga. It was overall an unfocused mess of a movie, and the fight scenes were quite toned-down in comparison to his early-to-mid Hong Kong days, but damn if they still weren't some fun, engaging fights.


BenjaminRCaineIII t1_jaakmbp wrote

Yeah, it's kinda a shitty deal, but I'll take what I can get. Apparently they're not especially fond of each other, and I know Jackie doesn't really think highly of Hollywood in general. I've wondered if Jackie agreed to do Forbidden Kingdom, because it didn't really "count" as a real movie in his eyes.


BenjaminRCaineIII t1_iu7938u wrote

I remember buying My Bloody Valentine's Loveless cuz it was playing in the store one day. I remember the girl behind the counter was really happy because she had put it on, and another guy behind the counter said to her "you know you get some commission for selling a copy right?" And she smiled and said "Really?!" And he chuckled and said "No."

When I was working at a different record store I put on Hum's Downward is Heavenward one night and this girl at the counter started telling me how nice and enjoyable it was, but as the song went on, her demeanor changed and she started asking me if it was drug music and wanted to know if I approved of that because drugs were bad. It was a strange encounter and I think that's why I still remember it so well.