
Berrythebear t1_j6jlc1z wrote

If the kid wants a switch seriously consider it. Most people never have any issues with theirs and the complaints you hear are always going to be a vocal minority. Also switch is going to have an INSANE amount of Nintendo exclusive games that will never be available on another console, and might be the reason they want it. Ask them why they want the switch instead of anything else.


Berrythebear t1_ixqca82 wrote

I’ve played games my whole life. As a kid it was easy to drop a whole day playing. As an adult I tend to stay up and play 2-3 hours after my family goes to bed and while I’m still awake. Conservatively I’d say I spend about 10% of my life gaming. And that’s being pretty conservative, it wasn’t uncommon for me to get 5 or 6 hours a day for a long time there when i didn’t have anything else going on.

I’m 35 now. I’ve probably played games for 3.5-4 years of playtime.