
Betorah t1_jefnz9f wrote

The worst. We used them years ago and a few days after the bill would arrive, the phone calls would start from them asking when they would get their payment.


Betorah t1_jefn3a5 wrote

Walk around in Guilford, CT. Founded in 1639, it’s full of historic homes, including the Hyland House (built 1713), the Thomas Griswold House (built 1764), and the Henry Whitfield State Museum (built 1639–the oldest house in CT and the oldest stone house in New England).


Betorah t1_jeefv4i wrote

Had SAD for 50 years, before they even recognized it. I went to school at the University of Vermont, 250 miles north of here in Burlington, VT, the second cloudiest city in the country. Now that was bad. I would never move out of CT for “better” weather because every place that has “better” weather has worse politics.


Betorah t1_jd6bay1 wrote

When you apply online, you can print off a temporary license that is valid for a certain number of days. I had to do this at the end of August when I lost my driver’s license. My husband was very upset that I hadn’t gone to get one in person as we were going on vacation several days after it expired. The license arrived before the printed temporary one was invalidated.