
BigDaddyTrixter t1_j2fk86g wrote

Unfortunately, it seems you are more willing to make excuses for his behavior/actions than you are willing to understand/accept how toxic this man is to your life and future…

So I will ask you this instead: do you want a PARTNER or a dependent friend that fails to make any contribution to you, your efforts, the household, the relationship, or the overall well-being/livelihood expected of another…

YES, agreed… he needs help: but that starts with him helping himself (first)… and you don’t have the proper training, disciplines, or relationship to communicate what is needed (he already has you cornered, you are spoon feeding this existence for him)…

BUT: you came here for advice and reassure… maybe you were expecting a pat on the back instead?


BigDaddyTrixter t1_j2bpmj1 wrote

You are being unreasonable keeping this person in your life… WHY keep him around? You’ve been with him 7 years - where did you find him and what did he do before you took him in and supported him…???

He doesn’t work, he doesn’t drive, he doesn’t do anything for you other than add stress, make demands and refuse to offer any form of support (mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, etc.).

Leave while you can, build a life before you lose yourself to this mess…