
BigMouse12 t1_j2a61no wrote

You mean women cheat all the time, just like men do. It’s not like religion makes people more or less likely to cheat. But I get your follow up that religious people will take high ground on based in empty words. Non-repeople will to of course, but at least their self-superiority and self-righteousness is upfront and not hiding behind a deity.


BigMouse12 t1_j0rnq4v wrote

An artist can still provide commercial value, but it might look more like refining a new character, but I would think, and I’m no expert, that hardest things to create AI for are jobs that require always approaching a new situation.

Thinking like plumbers and electricians where every house is similar and different. Certainly, a lot of neighborhoods have nearly matching houses, but many of us live in houses from the 50s, 60s, 70s.

AI will allow weaker talent to be able to do the work by providing the tools and information, but it can’t replace walking into my home and solving a problem I’m otherwise to busy for.


BigMouse12 t1_ixayyya wrote

Maturity is in being able to take a step back and listen. Even if her assessment is fair. The guy is saying he was drugged, she believe he had mental breakdown, maybe the first thing is to see to it he gets help first and break up with him a little later. A “ruined party night” is peanuts next to the mental health of your partner. If it’s a new relationship, I get it. But if it’s been 6 months, she should start thinking about his health with more priority


BigMouse12 t1_iurkre2 wrote

World is a really flexible word. It mean either global or localized. Obviously globally, all you can accept blame for is not being the change you want to see in the world. But more locally, while you can’t change others, any individual can have a lot of influence for what their life is.


BigMouse12 t1_iurk1fr wrote

Reply to comment by lorl3ss in [Image] The Maturity Climb by raytanwl

I think “obsessed with facts” is meant to be seen in the context of the two before it, “obsessed with status and obsessed with questioning”. The idea being, as one starts to think beyond themselves, it starts question and moves to understanding what makes for reasonable vs unreasonable responses to those questions.

Even in the context of religion, applying questioning and thinking about how two things that seem contradictory can come together. It’s important process that both builds faith and allows oneself to break with more cult like groups.