
Billh491 t1_je7at7m wrote

Last May late at night I was on 95 in Maryland and got hit with a ticket like this. The work Zone was not active. It was 40 bucks plus 2 buck processing fee. It said it was a civil fine. I did not get any kind of a bump in my insurance this year.

I remember reading it over and it seemed pretty much impossible to fight it as I would have to come back to Maryland and it felt more like a parking ticket based on my reading of it.

They send them out at 12 miles over.

From the site Violators must pay a $40 fine. Automated speed enforcement violations are considered civil violations; therefore, no license points are assessed.


Billh491 t1_j8gqq04 wrote

I happen to work for the schools in town and from the inside I can tell you they are a great place to learn and work. In fact my kid purchased a home in town knowing when the kids come they will be going to a good school.

Your family is one of the ones that have moved here and increased our enrollment by 15% since covid hit. So we must be doing something right.


Billh491 t1_j5wfhhd wrote

Condo board member here.

The town will not plow your road they will not fix your road they will not pickup your trash. If you have town sewer you will have to pay for any repairs past the main town owned street.

Here is the best part your taxes will pay for fixing or providing all these services to everyone else in town!

They will send fire and police if you need them. At least they do that.


Billh491 t1_j5vxyoe wrote

What the heck are you talking about Google pays Apple close to 20 billion a year to be the default search on the iPhone.

That is pure profit! Apple is not giving that up unless Bing offers more. And even then they will not switch because everyone wants Google search results.


Billh491 t1_j5s6xiu wrote

No hidden fees from Comcast for me.

Step one have a SO in the house to switch account to.

Step two take all Comcast equipment to the store, mine was in Middletown and cancel.

Step three have SO sign up for Internet only I pay 39.95 for 800 speed with autopay.

Step four buy your own modem and router and plug them in and activate on SO's account.

Step 5 enjoy the fact that n the North East there is no cap on data.

Have not tried Frontier but would guess the fiber is fine also look if Netspeed Fiber is in your town.


Billh491 t1_j5htg8x wrote

My daughter lived in the west lake dr area when she got out of school in 2015 and a year later bought a condo in the south end near Durham. Believe me I am a protective dad and would not have had here living any where I did not think was safe.

West lake Drive is right next to Cromwell and the whole road is full of condos and apartments.

And the south end with the condo was next to a horse pasture.

I live across the river in Portland and have no problem going to any business in middletown. I mean I would not hang around the north end of main street at night but from say Luce restaurant down I have.


Billh491 t1_j2bq9a3 wrote

Just as a side not my family works in K12 and every time you get a new job you have to be finger printed. We have had places that were big districts that had an in house system which was free. The local police some times did it for free but have also had to pay for it to get done as well.

So there can be times you have to pay for these things.

Mind you even if you change a job with in a year you have to have it done each time.

Not saying it is a bad thing as we work with kids.


Billh491 t1_iviegjn wrote

Reply to comment by riefpirate in Common Massachusetts W by Rannrann123

Right he signed in to law the lowering of the speed limit to 55. This caused people that would not break laws to do so when just could not drive 55.

Once they saw they could get away with it why not try and get away with other things.

All down hill from there.


Billh491 t1_itxqhle wrote

so each town has a mill rate which is how much you pay per 1000 in value. So a mill rate of 35 would mean a 35.00 tax bill for your car.

Now look up how much your car is worth on say kelly blue book. Say it is worth 20k you take 70% of that is 14k so you pay 35 times 14 = 490.00 car tax.


Billh491 t1_itxp9zz wrote

I have done this and the way it works is mass will collect its income tax from you. Then you will get a credit for those taxes when you file in CT. You will have 3 tax returns 2 states plus fed.

So say you make 100k and the mass tax is 5% you pay them 5k. CT tax is 6% you pay ct 1k. Or mass is 6% so you pay them 6k and say ct was 5% you owe ct nothing.

I don't know the exact rates just used these as an example.

Also we pay property taxes on our cars which maybe a new thing for you.