
BirdsbirdsBURDS t1_jeffjua wrote

I feel like this is even a stretch, because if the dude hated the casino, why not just go berserk in the casino itself? If he wanted to destroy the reputation of the casino in a hail of fire and bullets, most even partially rational individual would have targeted the people who wronged them directly, rather than just smashing a window and shooting at a crowd in another venue.

I feel like this is some half assed excuse/explanation for a random act of violence using a gun that injured and killed so many people.

All we really know is that the guy brought an arsenal to a hotel, then killed 58 people and himself without hardly a word.

In a world of gun violence where kids get killed all the time, it’s easier to dig into a gun mans life and pull out instances of bullying, jealousy, and anger towards others as precursors to violence, but random acts like this make it so hard for gun right activists to say that it’s these people who “we should have saw coming” that are the problem, rather than having gun laws so lax that nearly anyone can get a gun within days or even hours of deciding they want one.


BirdsbirdsBURDS t1_jdd95nt wrote

Heavy metal poisoning is a thing, FYI. It’s why mercury concentrations in fish are a problem in the east. Lead is no exception. It builds up in your system because your body can’t eliminate it. “Some lead exposure” is fine, kind of like getting stabbed once or twice is ok, except the cumulation limit is lifetime, rather than over a few minutes.


BirdsbirdsBURDS t1_javwnym wrote

Holy fuck all. This is a textbook case of generalizing the results. They never say the tattoo will disappear. They simply say it will will fade. ALL TATTOOS FADE. This is the problem. I don’t WANT my tattoo to fade, it’s a sleeve. Fading means blending, and if it weren’t for my artist being forward thinking making my outline thicker,my tattoos would be shitty looking blended messes by now. This marketing campaign is nothing more than a play on words in legalese.your tattoo WILL fail. But it will still be visible for many years

The question is, which did you pay for? A faded tattoo or a tattoo that isn’t visible in 2-3 years?


BirdsbirdsBURDS t1_j84cmno wrote

The likely answer is somebody took a budget, took some basic measurements of “train in Spain” and didn’t do the follow up on questions like “what’s the max dimensions” before putting in orders for hardware to a place like Japan or china. The trains are probably really good, but exceed max limits because numskulls would rather lock in contracts without ensuring that they are contracting for goods/services they can actually use, and that meet their requirements. Investors are gonna be pissed, because now more money is gonna be needed and more time to get returns because someone somewhere didn’t do their jobs right.


BirdsbirdsBURDS t1_j5alji3 wrote

I mean. I’m former military. We generally train to not “put hands in pockets”, and I have generally rationalized it as being a safety thing in ships, because if a ship suddenly lurches some direction you can brace yourself.

But recently I’ve found that, if it’s not cold and you have your hands in your pockets, it’s weird.

Like, what are you doing? Playing with yourself? Playing with your keys? Now it does have some kind of feeling like, what’s in your pocket that you’d rather be messing with that than focusing on your surrounding?

I know some people will have differing opinion, but like, just keeping your hand in your pocket seems a weird thing to do since your pocket is like a portable liminal zone

*edit. Im getting downvoted, but at the same time it seems that some people feel that it is weird to just chill “hands in pockets style”. To clarify, I’ve never yelled at someone over this thing, but it’s always stuck with me that, if it’s not cold, it strange.

Not offended by downvotes, but if those people could chime in as to why it would be appropriate for professionals to hang around with hands in pockets, I’d be willing to read them at least.


BirdsbirdsBURDS t1_j59rfvc wrote

I was thinking, “you know; maybe this one an extreme approach to teaching about maginalism of groups by teaching words like “gypped” that we don’t know are slurs” But nope. Just contextless, nonsense where there is no real discernible goal besides teaching kids some new words they might not have already known.


BirdsbirdsBURDS t1_j4frd7x wrote

Is this in this particular article and I’m just a bad reader or was it from another article?

I mean l, blatantly ripping off hours at a time is plain stupid. If this was over a long period of time and they were just snooping it’s quit me different.

I stand by my claim that businesses get far too much leeway in wage theft, so if someone wants to wait 5-10 minutes every so often before flouncing out I’m not gonna complain; but if she effectively just punched in and left, then it’s on her.


BirdsbirdsBURDS t1_j4ecy75 wrote

Ok. Make sure you punch out for every bathroom break, every personal conversation, and smoke break if you take them, and you better not work slow.

Look. If she actually just sat around and did nothing for hours on end, then yeah she should get in trouble. But the fact that they don’t mention a timeframe makes seem as if she sat for a week without working at all, when we’ve all been guilty of wasting time on the clock, and in the strictest sense, that’s stealing time. But I’ve also done favors for and helped people without being on the clock after being asked to do so, and that is on me, but for other people they are required to do work off the clock and that’s wage theft.

So you can sit here and sniff this companies taint if you want, but I don’t feel bad for them. If she truly stole time, then she got caught; I just hope that we eventually start catching more companies that are stealing time from its employees.


BirdsbirdsBURDS t1_j4bss39 wrote

50 hours over what kind of timeframe? Is it like, 50 hours over 6 months? Because that’s only about half an hour a day, and no one can tell me that they haven’t just absolutely wasted half an hour on the clock doing something stupid, or even nothing at all. The fact that the time frame isn’t mentioned is kind of chilling, because it leaves it to us, the readers, to determine who is in the right when we don’t even have a frame of reference for when the supposed “crime” occurred.

The use of monitoring software or personal computers is a very uncomfortable idea, and the fact that companies can monitor your every second of activity and determine what you’re doing and for how long is certainly a big brother-esque line of monitoring.

I think at the end of the day, businesses should only care about the results. If remote work lets people deliver the same results using less time, then adjust for that. But there’s no reason to do shit like this, when it’s a well known fact that corporate wage theft steals far more every year than someone taking a 20 minute shit on the clock


BirdsbirdsBURDS t1_iyuxv4c wrote

It establishes the fact that it can happen. This lawsuit going forward now is stating that it has happened. That’s literally what we’re looking at. It’s not like there’s just this one woman making this random claim against a random gun. She’s one of many making the claim against the same model. Let them figure it out in court now. But saying they don’t have a case because you can’t believe it or significantly doubt it is pointless unless you’re involved in the case.


BirdsbirdsBURDS t1_iwug15w wrote

Reply to comment by abe30303 in [ Removed by Reddit ] by abe30303

Property rights are property rights. It’s not your house so it’s not your obligation. I don’t know Cobb county but I know bullshit. You’re not the owner. If they (the city) continue to harass you about it, call the city council and the mayor and make a very blunt and obvious statement that you are going to take this to court with the state about it, because you’re not responsible for what isn’t yours.


BirdsbirdsBURDS t1_iurstnz wrote

Complex situation. The article does in some ways cover it for those of us with no background, but to summarize; it’s possible to have different ideas about who you are that doesn’t exactly fit with how you have been perceived by others around you. But that’s pretty much any situation with trans people making discoveries about themselves. Facebook has been no shortage of surprises as former co workers have come out as trans in recent years.

Bit I guess the more prominent focus here is on able bodied autonomy, sense it does seem strange that people would willingly affect their own mobility over their own perceived notions of who they em are meant to be.