BlaiddDrwg82 t1_jc1ddfn wrote
Reply to comment by Beardly_Smith in In Bellows Falls… by papalemingway
That’s fair
BlaiddDrwg82 t1_jbz4tfl wrote
Reply to comment by EverybodyWangChung52 in In Bellows Falls… by papalemingway
BlaiddDrwg82 t1_jbxklw0 wrote
Reply to In Bellows Falls… by papalemingway
Never heard anyone describe Bellows Falls as “cute”.
I’ll always remember it as that dumpster fire of a town I lived in during 8th grade.
BlaiddDrwg82 t1_jaozsje wrote
The Brattleboro fb group has a lot of conversation about this. You’re not alone.
BlaiddDrwg82 t1_jaahbtx wrote
Reply to Strip Club in Western Mass Wants To Convert Into 'Topless Dispensary,' Purportedly 1st In State by HoldenGambles
Castaways was Castaways in the 90s when I was stopping at the Diner for 2am food after Haven on Tuesday nights.
Also, Castaways = gross.
BlaiddDrwg82 t1_j9mrzq9 wrote
Reply to Dyed Hair in the Workplace by Ok_Bluebird_292
I’ve got blue hair and I’m a high school teacher.
BlaiddDrwg82 t1_j6925kd wrote
We should have an automatic opt-in when you turn 18. Bone marrow donations save lives. I’d be dead if it wasn’t for the 10/10 match that was found for me—-in Germany!
Donating bone marrow is similar to donating blood/platelets. You get injected with something to stimulate your stem cells/bone marrow production (I don’t remember exactly) and then it’s removed in a similar process to taking blood. There’s no more drilling into your back and taking it directly from the bone.
So in terms of organ donation, this is the easiest one you could do AND it requires minimal effort on your part.
Donate blood, donate platelets, register with www.bethematch.organd maybe save a life.
BlaiddDrwg82 t1_j5hxyf8 wrote
Watch it snow in May again.
BlaiddDrwg82 t1_iz7in3r wrote
Reply to McNeill's Brewery destroyed by fire, owner found deceased. Utterly tragic. by VermintyFlavor
Went to elementary/middle school with the owners oldest daughter.
Some friends rescued the cupola today.
Really tragic:(
BlaiddDrwg82 t1_ixzi3a9 wrote
Reply to comment by werdnak84 in Netflix’s Wednesday set in Vermont? by SocialistMoms
In high school (late 90s) I was told he had a house in Walpole, NH.
BlaiddDrwg82 t1_ir6tj43 wrote
Reply to My best of list for VT/NH/ME - yours? by TheMobyDicks
Chinese = Panda North in Brattleboro, VT
BlaiddDrwg82 t1_jdosddt wrote
Reply to Is there a time frame for the Brattleboro Museum Expansion to move forward Looks Beautiful! by The_Idealist_Realist
This looks awful. The cute little building (apartment?) behind the current building will disappear. I love that little brick building.